问题更新: 这里查看的是操作系统位数,而非计算机本身的位数 我在邮件列表里和别人讨论了一会儿后,发现好像没有什么现成的方法能够查看机器的位数,于是经过王聪大哥的指导写了个并不全面的脚本:
txi@ghosTunix:~$ date 2008年 05月 09日 星期五 17:19:16 CST
Oh! This article has suggested to me many new ideas. I will embark on doing it. Hope you can continue to contribute your talents in this area. Thank you.
2019年2月22日 17:16
Oh! This article has suggested to me many new ideas. I will embark on doing it. Hope you can continue to contribute your talents in this area. Thank you.