You're the greatest! JMHO
Thanks for introducing a little rationality into this debate.
Me and this article, sitting in a tree, L-E-A-R-N-I-N-G!
None can doubt the veracity of this article.
Thinking like that shows an expert at work
Yeah, that's the ticket, sir or ma'am
This posting knocked my socks off
This is way more helpful than anything else I've looked at.
Life is short, and this article saved valuable time on this Earth.
Just do me a favor and keep writing such trenchant analyses, OK?
Hi there!
That addresses several of my concerns actually.
The ability to think like that shows you're an expert
You've really helped me understand the issues. Thanks.
I'm impressed. You've really raised the bar with that.
Boy that really helps me the heck out.
2015年5月18日 02:11
You're the greatest! JMHO
2015年5月17日 23:09
Thanks for introducing a little rationality into this debate.
2015年5月17日 18:16
Me and this article, sitting in a tree, L-E-A-R-N-I-N-G!
2015年5月17日 17:03
None can doubt the veracity of this article.
2015年5月17日 11:52
Thinking like that shows an expert at work
2015年5月17日 08:25
Yeah, that's the ticket, sir or ma'am
2015年5月17日 06:25
This posting knocked my socks off
2015年5月17日 02:56
This is way more helpful than anything else I've looked at.
2015年5月16日 18:38
Life is short, and this article saved valuable time on this Earth.
2015年5月16日 18:27
Just do me a favor and keep writing such trenchant analyses, OK?
2015年5月16日 17:34
2015年5月16日 17:34
Hi there!
2015年5月16日 17:33
2015年5月16日 17:33
2015年5月16日 17:32
Hi there!
2015年5月16日 16:28
That addresses several of my concerns actually.
2015年5月16日 11:25
The ability to think like that shows you're an expert
2015年5月16日 04:37
You've really helped me understand the issues. Thanks.
2015年5月16日 01:35
I'm impressed. You've really raised the bar with that.
2015年5月15日 23:53
Boy that really helps me the heck out.